I pulled this tree out of someone's garbage, I cannot figure out what it is. Any help would be great. I've never taken care of a tree before so any information specific to this kind of tree would be great! I am located in Toronto, Ontario.
The leaves look thinner and less waxy than what I'm finding on weeping fig trees. The leaves also seem to be to sparse.
Sure, it's a Benjamin Fig. Now that you've rescued it, you can expect the plant to lose a lot of its leaves, beginning in a week or two. The leaves will turn yellow and drop off, and your new acquisition might look like it's dying. —But don't despair. And don't cut the "dead" twigs. Just make sure the soil is good and maybe read up on the right nutrients and TLC. Benjamin Figs really like to pout. After a bit, your tree will produce a whole new set of leaves. In a few months, you'll have a really nice tree. —Whenever Benjamin Figs are moved to new conditions, they lose leaves. Often not right away, but you can expect it to happen soon. A really nice find; that will be a beautiful indoor plant this winter.