This little tree comes froma seed that I brought back from Guadeloupe. The adult tree is about 8-10 m high, looks slightly like a tamarindus indica, but it's definitely anorther species. A strange characteristic is that its leaves fold a two levels at night, as can be seen on the pictures. Thus, the leaves not only close up at night, but also fold downwards, parallel to the main branches or trunk. Does anyone has an idea ?
At first sight, I thought possible a type of Acacia, but I'm thinking something on the lines of Indigofera. How large are the leaves?
Apparently, at night, leaves from leucaena glauca do not fold at the base, but only at the level of leaflets...I have a few acacia sp. (xantophloea, farnaisiana, albida, sieberiana...) that do not have this strange feature !
OK, this souds really not too strongly... :( But I found 3 photos to confirm my idea!!! :) They are Delonix regia seedlings:
Thanks Lila, but this is definitely not a delonix regia. I have two of them, the leaves are much larger although they have similar leaflets, and they don't show this very special folding at night...
Lots of tropical legumes, lots of legumes everywhere in fact. After they get farther along it may be possible to tell better.