23 July 2012 Tree for identification. This tree grows about six feet each season, even when severely cut back. It is located in relatively poor soil along side a house in Brantford, ON. It appears to be one of a kind.Some of the leaves appear to be of a different shape.
Looks like Morus alba. Common name Mulberry.
Frequently asked about weed tree that gets attention because it pops up all over and produces variably shaped leaves.
Sure, but grow something else tasty, native to the area (he is from ON and this weed tree is not), and that won't spread like hell. My comment was because the original poster mentioned he had severely cut it back at some point. And if you look at the photos it's growing wildly directly next to his house, not an ideal position. I too enjoy mulberries. I stop by a certain tree on my way to the grocery store for a snack.