My 8 year old Pony Tail Palm had 2 bottle stalks when I bought it, and it now has the main stalk which is about 14-16 inches tall, and the second one about 12 inches tall. The plant has also produced 2 smaller bottle stalks. The second one has 3 or 4 small sprouts from the top side of the bottle base. My question is, do I trim the small ones that have sprouted at the top of the base, and do I need to transplant each one in a seperate pot? I have only seen a single plant in most pots. And do I just plant the bulb in the soil approx 1-2 inches? Thanks for your help!
You can plant as many or few as you want wherever you want, it's up to you. Plant them as deep, around the caudex (bulb) as the mother is (proportionally, not actually - e.g. if one third of the mom's beneath the soil, do the same with the babies).
Thank you so much. I bought some sand, small pebbles, and good soil to repot them into individual containers. I read that sand, pebbles (or aquarium gravel), and good potting soil should be used to replant them. Is this true, and do you know how much of each I should mix? Thanks for your help!
Yes, you should use about 20% 'soil', 50% small gravel and the rest perlite (I'd skip the sand entirely).
Thank you sooooooo much for the help. I really do appreciate it. Could you tell me what to do with the small sprouts that are coming out of the sides of the top side of the bottle neck of the bulb? I have never seen any sprouts come out of the top sides of the bottle neck bulb before. Do I trim these off before I repot the plants? Thanks again for your help!!