I have a low (approx. 12 inch) hedge of dwarf boxwood that has been in place for about 5 years. I'd like alter the placement of this hedge by a few feet and wonder if the boxwood would survive transplanting. Any advice welcome.
There was a new boxwood blight discovered a few months ago on the east coast of the U.S. It has made its way to the west coast of Canada. Two growers in the Vancouver area have tested positive for this. Driving around, I see alot of boxwood on the decline. This is a huge problem. "Clindrocladium buxicola" is this blights name. Landscapers have been warned that they will lose plants, and not to use them in our designs. This blight has also been effecting Sarcococca in the lower mainland of B.C. My opinion is, wait. See if your hedge gets infected. Moving it will stress the plants and could promote infection.