We would like to transplant a large outside palm tree (pic below) from one yard to another, could anyone provide the process that will help to ensure a successful transplant including preparation at the new site and removal at the old site. thanks
Man ... I wish I had a buck for every palm planted too close to a house! You'll have to ecavate around the trunk about 24" out from the trunk in all directions, and about a 3' minimum depth. The rootball and tree will be heavy (1,500 lbs) and you'll need a bobcat or backhoe and sling to move it. Site prep for the new planting area should be well watered in advance and be at the same planting depth. Keep well irrigated during the transplant phase and some loss of the older lower leaves may be experienced. I've heard of some people using a B1 remedy to reduce transplant shock, but good soil and watering will go a long way. Cheers, LPN.
Hi LPN Thanks for the advice, can you tell me what you mean by good soil. Is there a mix you reccomend? Thanks, Lina47