British Columbia: Trading lists for April 22nd Swap

Discussion in 'Pacific Northwest Plant Swaps and Meetups' started by westcoastgarden, Mar 10, 2007.

  1. westcoastgarden

    westcoastgarden Active Member

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    Maple Ridge, Canada
    Please post your trading lists for the spring swap under this thread. See the other post for details.


  2. Magua

    Magua Member

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    I don't have much to trade right now, but I'll see what I do have. Mostly miscellaneous unspecified rock garden plants from two mixes from Plant World in England, if anyone's looking for small plants. I may be able to identify some of them to the genus, though.

    Other than that, I may have a few rain lily (Habranthus robustus) bulblets available. They are hardy to zone 8, if I remember correctly, but I still have to check to make sure that the side leaves are from bulblets that have formed beside the main bulb. I have two main plants, and neither has flowered yet, but I expect them to be the basic pink. They have never been outside yet either.

    Some Corydalis ornata (I have to check, but I think that is the correct species) that just germinated. The seedlings should be ready by the 22nd, but they are still tiny guys at the moment.

  3. teeka

    teeka Member

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    Surrey, Canada
    here is my tentative trade list-I'll probably make some
    adjustments to it in the next few weeks
    Pennisetum 'Rubrum' (purple fountain grass) 2x4in-1x6in
    Carex 'Bowles Golden' 1x6in
    Equisetem hyemale-giant horsetail 1x8in
    Asiatic lily 'Cappuccino' -bulbs
    heuchera-Silver scrolls 2x 4in
    sempervivum-oddity-several "pups"
    amaryllis 'Bella donna'-bulbs
    helichrysum italicum- curry plant 1-about 8in size
    if anyone is interested I have several amaryllis-hippeastrum
    2X lemon lime
    1x royal velvet
    1x aphrodite
    1x scarlet baby
    1x clown (40+ "mother bulb")

    I am interested in succulents (echeveria, semps), agapanthus,
    bougainvillea, double helleborus, nephanthes, anything unusual.
    I do also need some annuals for my hanging baskets. Terra cotta
    pots also considered.
  4. KarinL

    KarinL Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Here's a preliminary list of some perennials that I will have available:

    Phlomis russeliana
    Kirengeshoma palmata
    Hosta Royal Standard
    Hosta Fragrant Bouquet
    Hosta Halcyon
    Robust male fern (Dryopteris x complexa 'Robust')
    Akebia quinata (1)

    Also an epimedium with red/yellow flowers; have to check name.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2007
  5. westcoastgarden

    westcoastgarden Active Member

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    Maple Ridge, Canada
    Finally, some nice weather! I was inspired to start my list. (will add items as I work through the garden)

    Please let me know asap about trades from this list. I need to divide and pot.

    (The last time I had a trade at my house, I went a little crazy digging and dividing on the spot. The result was that I killed a couple of plants and seriously set back several others. Therefore, this time, I am not going to dig or divide on the day of the trade –other than the exceptions indicated below– though I will make notes if anyone is interested in a trade for the fall. Cuttings we can take the day of the trade but I would still like to arrange ahead of time. Thanks!)

    • Japanese Maples – three years old. All from seedlings rescued from underneath interesting looking specimans around town.

    • Garden Chives
    • Rhubarb

    • Tuscany rose - see picture below
    • Crimson red monarda - see picture below
    • Blue Chips campanula
    • Dwarf Orange Oriental poppy - see picture below
    • Coreopsis Moonbeam
    • Shasta Daisy - see picture below
    • Extra early pinky lilac, yellow eye primrose (it started blooming late January and is still going strong)
    • Anthriscus sylvestris
    • Violet “Freckles”
    • Gypsophila paniculata – white
    • Chionodoxa “glory of the snow” (bright blue) – pot of baby bulbs, will bloom in a year or two. Naturalizes.
    • Chrysanthemum (hardy): semi double lilac with yellow eye. Very late blooming – late october, early november
    • Crocosmia (Dark red, orange or yellow – I grow a mix)
    • Siberian Iris: sky blue see picture below
    • Japanese Iris: watercolour swirly purple and white.
    • Euonymous: green/gold and green/white
    • Periwinkle: white flowered
    • Daylily: Kwanzo (double orange)
    • Daylily: Frans Hall
    • Lilac: Light purple with a pinky cast.
    • Corsican Hellebore - see picture below
    • Climbing Honeysuckle, fragrant, pink/yellow (Goldstrum)

    • Cutting – epiphyllum/orchid cactus, see picture below. I don’t know the name. Easy to root. I’d like to trade for another cutting if possible.
    • Cutting - Forsythia
    Special trades only:

    • Fully double yellow tree peony – dwarf habit, later blooming (I have this in a half barrel but it needs to be taken out of that container and I do not have a spot in the garden for it. It should go to someone who can take it in a plastic bag/cardboard box and plant immediately in a permanent location on getting home. I have pictures.)
    • “Hot Cocoa” Rose – another dig-and-replant-immediately trade. I don’t have the right spot for this rose, but it is certainly unique. see picture below
    • Named hostas
    • Named daylilies

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Apr 8, 2007
  6. Candy

    Candy Active Member

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    Burnaby, B.C. Zone 7ish
    Here's what I have so far.

    -Variegated oat grass
    - Japanese anemone - pink
    -miscellaneous rockery plants incl. various sedums
    -wooly thyme
    -magic carpet thyme
    -irish moss
    -vinca major - major periwinkle - purple
    -fall asters - mauve
    -Gallium odoratum (sweet woodruff)

    Candy/aka CanGrow
  7. Magua

    Magua Member

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    My mistake. Not corydalis ornata, but dicentra cucullaria (Dutchman's Breeches). Alas I don't think I would be able to make it at all anyway. :(
  8. Helen Leung

    Helen Leung Active Member 10 Years

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    I still hope to make it. I'll bring the following:

    Millium effusum 'Aureum'
    Helleborus argutifolius
    Impatiens glandulifera (invasive annual but good if you need instant gratification!)
    lily of the valley

    Can also dig up some Cerastium tomentosum if someone wants some groundcover.
  9. Aussiebob

    Aussiebob Active Member

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    G'day All...

    Being a tree guy...I'm looking for anything that will grow big...that is now small....I'm totally into the Eucalypus scene at the momment but also have an affinity for sequioa's.....

    I'll be bringing along a variety of domestic garden plants - azelia's, ferns etc

  10. westcoastgarden

    westcoastgarden Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Maple Ridge, Canada
    Sorry - due to very low confirmed attendance, we are postponing the swap until the fall.

  11. Vincent

    Vincent Member

    Likes Received:
    Mission, CANADA
    O no, really? Havent been in touch lately, but was going to say I would be trying to scramble some stuff together for on the fly trading and trying to drop in. But was looking short for time due to an irrigation project Im working on.

    Id be willing to do some trades with you WCG, or others that are in your reach before fall though. Maybe we can discuss through email. Also have some non plant items Im going to be willing to trade for plant material.

    Vincent frrom Mission
  12. teeka

    teeka Member

    Likes Received:
    Surrey, Canada
    most of the plants on my trading list are still available
    for private trades if anyone is interested !

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