Tracking your maples

Discussion in 'Maples' started by sasquatch, May 6, 2008.

  1. sasquatch

    sasquatch Active Member

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    PNW, USA
    Does anyone here make spreadsheets to track the growth and health of their maple collections, or do you use any other method of data collecting? As my collections has grown to 50 maples in 3 years, I start to forget when I bought each one, and how big it was, or when I last re-potted them, so I have begun a simple spreadsheet to enter my info, and hopefully will be able to learn something from it in years to come.

    For those of you who keep data, please tell us what type of information you collect. I only measure height so far, but will be incorporating caliper measurements, pot size for my containers (most of my collection), and annual comments on health, plus I'd love to track the dates of leaves arriving, beginning of fall color, and winter leaf drop.

    Any other ideas on other fields to include?
    Does anyone use 3D modeling to track their maple's growth?
  2. kaydye

    kaydye Active Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Live in Mapleton, Illinois, zone 5
    That's a great idea. I have been keeping track low tech of what maples I buy, from who and when in the cover of my Vertrees Japanes Maples book. I put the date by the picture in the book, if a picture is in it, or just write it on the blank pages in the back. As the "collection" grows, it would be nice to have the info. I see you use a spreadsheet and not a database? What is 3D modeling? I did start last year making a Word file with a picture of some of mine and all the important info. I'm not quite sure where I'm going with it. I think I would have to put it on a flash drive with a lot of memory. I used to keep a data base on my perennials, the only problem is over time, the programs, storage systems keep changing. It's hard to keep over a long period of time.
    Kay Dye
  3. whis4ey

    whis4ey Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Northern Ireland
    I use this software for plant details
    Ideal for just what you are talking about
    I think there is still a free trial download available

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