This says Euphorbia to me, but I'm not finding it, so maybe not. Leaves are tough, variegated, with new leaves much more blue, or maybe they're flower bracts. This is at the apartment building with a lot of interesting plants.
Thank you! I see Sedum alboroseum 'Mediovariegatum', which two sites say is now called Hylotelephium erythrostictum 'Mediovariegatum'. I can't tell from what I'm seeing whether the wiggly leaves make it anything different.
Out of curiosity - is it in dry shade And - do you have any pix of winter (ie this same plant) I have never seen this
I have never seen it before yesterday. It's on the west side of the street, in front of a fence that is only one or two meters from the sidewalk; the fence isn't all that high, but just to the south of the fence is the 3 story building. Here's the setting. It's in the area to the right. These streetview things are supposed to be around three years old - I don't see the plants I just posted, nor the ones I went to see. 1660 Cypress St - Google Maps
There must be a rule that when taxonomists have to change the name of a plant, they are required to choose something even more difficult to pronounce.
Here is the Hylotelephium erythrostictum 'Mediovariegatum' now with flower buds, with another sedum nearby. I'm not sure I'll remember to keep checking this to catch the flowers.