Hello there... Just curious of a few things as this is my first time growing on a balcony and growing vegtables. Do the Tomatoe plants look Over waterered? Generally to try and get all plants shorter, If I Steak them and Cut the TOp off will it grow out more as opposed to Up? Mainly the Cucumbers and the Tomatoes are causing height problems. Are the yellow tips on the Cucumber Plants a bad thing? (Over Fertalizing?) Is somthing eating my Cucumber plants? thats a few I can think of right now. Im new to growing anything other than basic tropical house plants. So Im not to sure about what to expect from a Balcony garden. Any help is greatly appreciated. A Bit of Info. The Balcony is South faceing but only gets about 3 hours of Direct sunlight right now. I line the plants up in a row every morrning so they will recieve as much sun as possible. I have added(FoxFarm Marine Cusine) Slow release fertilizer. As well as Superthrive or BIO-GENSIS "synergy" plant stimulant with the water the cucumbers are in Promix with the added fertilizer. The tomatoes are in COCO and Perlite mix with added fertilizer. the hanging plants are ina mix of both just for fun. the Balcony is Directly Down Town Toronto. SMOG Central :( Any help on how I can improve my Graden is Greatly appreciated. thanks kindly kd_special
All plants appear to be healthy. You might be a bit overly ambitious, but it is a good effort. Cuccumbers get quite large and sprawling. Tomatoes might do better right side up, and let them hang over the container to some degree. From my experience upside down tomatoes are mostly a conversational piece and have no real merit in producing fruiting bodies, as opposed to growing upright. http://www.durgan.org/Blog/Durgan.html
Thanks for the Reply Yeah its really a nice looking thingy, but it was mainly because of Space. This way they always stay in the sun and dont take any floor space on the Balcony. As well I have 2 cats and a Puppy who will go Ape @^&$%! on the plants If I give her the chance. If I cut the tops off the Tomatoes Or the cucumbers will they grow more bushed out as opposed to Up? the place where I store the plants so the animals will not devour them is getting kinda tight Height wise. But I have some room Width wise. Perhaps I could just tie the cucumbers completly in another direction and bend them in a U shape? Thanks for any help in advance. Thansk kindly kd_special
kd--I'm trying to imagine how the plants will grow thru the summer. These are not naturally compact plants, therefore a challenge for containers and patios. Tomatoes depend on the variety, some like Tumbler will make awesome little potted plants with little work. An "indeterminate" sort could take over the world, or die trying. Do you know the variety? The coco/perlite mix might not have enough magnesium (promix for your cukes has it mixed in already) so be on the lookout for yellowing older leaves...which, if that occurs, might be solved with a misting of epsom salts on the leaves...just thinking ahead. I would either train the cucumbers up a string or piece of mesh, or let them sprawl over the "ground". Stuff like cukes do well if the growing point is pinched early on, then the resulting several branches left to grow unhindered. Seems the branches are more fruitful than the original single vine. But they do take up lots of room. Sorry I don't have great answers! My tomatoes and cukes are growing upward in a greenhouse...probably similar weather in there to what you will have outside thru the summer. You are in tomato (etc.) heaven back east there...
Thanks for the ideas and help. Yes I have gotten prepared for growing in Coco, I have a product called MagI-Cal which from what I read is a All in One micronutrient solution I use it every week or so as directed. I think It should keep me covered for those things. But I will be on the watch as I know Coco is far different from proMix. As for the types of Tomatoes I mostly have Cherry Tomatoes and I think 3 main ones, The seed packs hold the real answers I will post those when I get home tonight. thanks for the help and input. Yeah I really need to get a house with a Yard soon so I can have a great garden. Its just so much money. I need to do some serious saving for a few years. I really can't wait though Niether can my Animals. hahah thanks for all the advice. kd
Heres where im at today. had to get rid of a few because of space. Its working out pretty good i think. Starting to get some yellow dried out leaves on the tomatoes (on the ones in Coco as well as Peat) that seem to wilt slowly and turn blackish then fall off. But any new growth is looking ok. Small new shoots are starting where the older leafs fell off. Bugs are always a bit of a problem, Its hot and muggy here. I spray with neem oil and a End all every so often. Any comments or help is appreciated Thanks Kindly kd_special
Looks good to me, how do the strawberries like being in containers?? Your tomatoes are so much bigger then mine hahaha, of course I started mine from seed in May, so it was expected.
I started all my plants from seed indoors around May aswell. Except the strawberrys and the tropical plants. But I had them under CFls for a few weeks that definitly helped to give them a kick start. The real secerct for me is plant stimulant. BIO-GENSIS "Synergy" It's like SuperThrive but 100 times better. the strawberrys do ok But I really dont have enough sun. So I get four or five smaller Berrys each week. But I used to only get like 1 so I am hoping this trend of getting more each week will continue. But I know If I had more sun (right now I have 3 hours or less of direct sun) I would have bigger and more berrys. As well I have read strawberrys do better the second season if you train them well in the first season. But thats somthing I read of the InterNet so you know you never really know if its all good info. but it basically said the first year pull off all the flowers to kinda train the plant for next year. so you will get less "runners" It makes perfect sense to me If I was in a Backyard enviroment. but not here these will go in the garbage come wintertime. thansk for the comments.. Thanks Kindly kd_special
I think I might try some of that plant stimulant next year on my tomatoes and my peppers to help them out. Dispite the fact that they're not very large they are still looking quite healthy. They get sun all day and are quite well-spaced. Mine are at about the same stage as yours, they are flowering right now. Last year I had one huge plant on my patio in a container that grew more then enough tomatoes for me, so I'm hoping that 3 smaller plants will produce about the same amount haha.