I've had my Brugmansia indoors over the winter. Is it too cold to put it outside? Our night temps have been around 7-9 degrees C. Daytime 12 - 16. I had it outside for 2 days and it looked in shock... is it too early? Thanx.
Paulina, I have moved three of mine outside over the last couple of weeks, except for one which had stayed out. Our temperatures are probably close to yours at this time of the year. I winter my brugs in an unheated greenhouse to keep them from our occasional frost. The Brugmansia sanguinea bloomed all winter long in the unheated greenhouse while the others lost their leaves. However, since moving them outside they have all begun to leaf out and B. sanguinea has continued to flower. I wouldn't be surprised if you lose a few leaves due to the shock of night time temperatures, but it would only be temporary. They might also be getting more direct sunlight than they were inside. I quit bringing mine in over the winter because of severe problems with mites - besides they were getting too big to bring in. Mine seem to thrive on tough love. Diane
I also moved my brug out (from the garage) a week ago. I have noticed some shrivelling at the ends of the stems, but the small leaves are still starting to grow. The night time temps have dropped here close to 0 a couple of times. Brugs do seem to be tough with the light frosts.
I've been too afraid to bring any outside yet. I take them out for a picnic when the sun's out during the weekends. They all hang out in the driveway, catching some sunrays and feeling the real outside air. I suppose I can try to put one or 2 outside. I have about 15 that I grew from my own cuttings last year... and WAY more seedlings that I started in January.