Tomatoes 2008 Consolidated pictures from 31 January 2008 Tomatoes 2008 Consolidated pictures from 31 January. All they have to do is grow until I can put them in the garden about the 24 of May 2008. 31 January 2008 Starting tomato seeds. Pictures of method. Two plants of each of the following varities were chosen: Cherokee purple, Mortgage lifter, Better boy, Burpee big boy, Black krim, Black prince, Pilgrim, Japanese momomato, Better boy, Pink girl, Green zebra, Japanese black treffle, Marglobe supreme, and one plant of Sweet million. Three seeds were placed in each pot, and the stronger will be chosen when they germinate. The other two will be cut off at soil level. A total of 27 plants. 5 February 2008 The little plastic bags keep the humidity level high, and the pots need no watering. The other choice is to keep a high humidity level in a growing room, which is difficult in a living area. 6 February 2008 Seeding growth after 6 Days. Probably humidity does more to encourage germination than soil moisture, and since the seeds are close to the soil surface, the seeds tend to dry out rather quickly if not in a high humidity environment. The top of the clear plastic covers are opened when the seedlings are about one or two inches high. I use this procedure for all my seed starting and it appears to promote germination without further care until sprouted. Tomato germination was 100% All the tomatoe seeds have now sprouted, except for mortgage lifter-first time grown. Some plants are an inch high. This is four days from planting to germination. This is evidence that the little miniture plastic bag greenhouses really work. Seeds planted on 31 Jan and all up on 4 Feb. 27 February 2008 Pictures indicating Growth. Mortgage lifter also germinated. 11 March 2008 Transplanting Tomato Plant. The tomato plant is placed into a larger pot about one gallon size. This pot will be placed in the greenhouse, until ready to place in the garden about the 24 of May. A coffee filter is placed in the bottom of the pot to preven earth from spilling out the drain holes, and a plastic bag is place around the outside of the pot to prevent water seepage, whilest kept inside the house.The first leaves are cut off, and the plant is placed in a paper bag to keep the roots contained so the roots are not disturbed, and the tomato plants is covered with earth to slightly above the first leaves. Roots will form from the buried stem. 16 March 2008 Moved to Greenhouse. It warmed up a bit. 20 March 2008 All Tomato plants now in greenhouse. 28 March 2008 Tomato Growth in Greenhouse after 56 Days. 10 April 2008 Conditioning Tomatoes and pictures of support system. Ouside temperature was 15 C with some sun so tomatoes were placed ouside greenhouse to condition the tomatoes to cooler temperatures. 15 May 2008 Tomato growth update. It is still too cold to put into the ground. I move plants into the shed at night when frost is forecast. 16 May 2008 Planting first tomato in garden. Tomatoes are getting a bit stressed in their gallon pots. Night tempereatures are a bit cool but above freezing.
Durgan, your pictures are so informative! I will definetely use your tip about the plastic bags on each pot..
Hey Durgan, I have my tomatoes in pots - though none of my tomatoes look quite as good as yours - but I am curious, what are the signs of stress you are seeing from them in pots? What should I be looking for? Then again I have far too many tomato plants for my little backyard, I was expecting them all to die out on me :)
The leaves curl a bit and the wide open healthy appearance isn't readily apparent. The stems are large but a bit sparce on leaves, and the plants are quite tall.This is judging from experience. Nothing serious but a general thought that the roots are being pressed for room. I put two more plants out today, and will probably complete the garden planting tomorrow. 20 MAY 2008 Planting tomatoes in the outdoor garden. No frost is expected. The plants were heavily mulched with wood chips.
It sure is looking like a nice warm weekend. So all your toms are in th eground then Durgan? I'll be planting mine out in the next few days, including the peppers et al
I have put my cages in the ground this evening, and the tomatoes shall be going in the ground over the weekend