Hi My tomatoes have brown spots on the leaves, and some on the stems. see picture. Also, the newly emerging tomatoes seem to have holes in the bottom. It does not look like blossom end rot to me, as they are not rotting. Some of the flowers also dry up. See picture. Any ideas? Thanks
It looks a it like Catfacing. Check out the pictures here: http://vegetablemdonline.ppath.cornell.edu/diagnostickeys/TomFrt/TomFrtKey.html#Yellow I don't know the cause. :(
I wouldn't worry about the holes - not unusual. The tomatoes should be fine. Blossom end rot happens later when the tomatoes are bigger.
Thanks everyone. I did some searching and I did find that the culprit is catfacing. It has been unsually cold here in Ottawa for the past month, so that explains it.