British Columbia: Tomato - Diseased or Just Stressed?

Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by dt-van, Jun 22, 2014.

  1. dt-van

    dt-van Active Member 10 Years

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    Vancouver, Canada
    I bought this heirloom tomato 'Pineapple' last week, but just noticed that the tips of some of the leaves are turning yellow with a few brown patches. The leaves on one branch are also rolling up a bit, though I don't see any pests. I've read that just having some yellow leaves may not indicate a serious problem especially if there are no round 'fungal' spots. The overall plant looks quite healthy, but if it has some contagious blight I will certainly discard it.
    Sorry if some photos have been wrongly rotated while attaching. I can't find a way to fix this.

    Attached Files:

  2. Sundrop

    Sundrop Well-Known Member

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    Kootenays, BC, Canada
    Diseased because stressed. It is overgrown and must be very root bound in its tiny pot.

    Chances are, if you pruned the diseased leaves and planted it in a favourable environment after untangling and pruning the roots judiciously too, it will be able to overcome what is ailing it now.

    Since it is much too late for planting Tomatoes, if it will produce well is another question.

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