Hi, I bought these plants today at my local nursery and they are all labeled Titanopsis calcarea which I am certain they are not. They are very beautiful can you help id them for me? I can take more pictures a picture of each plant by its self it you want. Jus let me know After you click the link, click on the image until it zooms all the way, for an up close look. The plant on the end has what looks like spines on the leaves but they are not spines at all, they are very soft but tough, they dont seem to bruise or break when you touch them but they move easily. It feels exactly like smooth lizard skin. You can zoom in closer using the link vs the attached file.
I bought 2 like your 2nd & 3rd recently, here in southern California. They look like Altmans plants. Are they? Mine were both tagged as Titanopsis calcarea also. I agree with Lila's IDs, with the possibility that #2 plant may be considered Aloinopsis setifera. Some lump it in with A. luckhoffii.