Hi, My bermuda type grass looks really nice and dense in cooler months, but once the weather gets colder, they look awful for about almost 5-6 months. I'm sick of the dead look of the lawn for almost half the year, so I researched and found out that overseeding with winter grass seems to be my only option. When the bermuda grass goes dormant, I'm planning to overseed with Lolium perenne, but this will be my first time ever doing this. Hopefully I'll repeat this process every year, but I'm a bit worried about doing this right. I doubt that I can overseed homogeneously with hand, so I have purchased 2 products which at first seemed like it would help me make the overseeding equally on every spot. #1: http://www.gardena.com/int/lawn-care/spreader/comfort-spreader-800/ #2: http://www.wolf-garten.org/index.php?id=674&tx_sytproductdb_pi3[showUid]=6&cHash=2620589ecb I had made a test today with lawn fertilizer and found out that although #1 looks like a really good idea, it is quite impractical. Not only it doesn't really spread it evenly (sometimes the sides of the cylinder simply doesn't pour out anything), but also it isn't suitable for my garden where there are lots of flower beds and islands etc... with edges. This product even has a marker at the sides, but it is really difficult to make it worth with all the edges I have in the garden. #2 seems to be more practical, but it is quite hard for me to set it to an exact spreading amount (eg. 30 g. per 1 square meters) and it is also hard to test it. The manual doesn't really have much detail about how it can be set to precisely spread the desired amount. I'm sure you have similiar products in your country as well. Do you have any advise / tips about how I can use either of the above products (preferably #2) efficiently. Or if you believe each of these products are useless and can advise a more suitable product, please advise. Thanks in advance. Regards to all,
I just bought the spreader in the attached photo. I'm planning to cut the lawn as short as possible, then overseed with this new spreader, add some top soil and then roll over with a cylinder. Sounds like a good plan?