Tiny white fuzzy bugs

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by texasvanessa, Jul 20, 2004.

  1. texasvanessa

    texasvanessa Member

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    I have a tree on my back porch that produces lots of SAP. On the tree and all over my vehicle everyday are these little bugs. They do not look like the mealybug. It looks like a tiny little cottonball. It has wings and legs. You can't tell until you are extremely close to it. I argued with my apartments about this being a bug and not just something falling off the tree. It does not look like a mealybug.

    Does anyone know where I can find what type of tree this is for one and the other, what type of bug? I live in Houston Texas.

    The sap is annoying as I have to watch my car at least 3 times per week.

    Thank you in advance.

    If you have any questions or answers, please email me at texasvanessa@hotmail.com.

  2. jimmyq

    jimmyq Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Metro Vancouver, BC, Canada.
    how does one argue with an apartment? :)
  3. jimmyq

    jimmyq Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Metro Vancouver, BC, Canada.
    If you could post a picture of the beast and paerhaps a picture of the leaves of your tree we could identify them both much easier than without a picture....
  4. texasvanessa

    texasvanessa Member

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    I will get some pictures taken...

    I have to convince everyone that comes over that they are really bugs. Everyone thinks it is just white stuff flying. They have little tiny clear wings and these little fuzzy white things that stick up further than the body. It is the wildest thing I have ever seen.

    I will get the pictures taken.

    Thanks so much.

  5. holly

    holly Member

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    houston,Texas usa
    fuzzy bugs

    If your bugs have wings it sound like you have a case of white flies.They are extremely small and look like they float away when you get close. On a big tree you would need to either get a natural pesticide and a sprayer or a pesticide that kills white flies.They are very hard to catch so killing them by hand is almost impossible.Most bugs hate garlic water or hot pepper water (boiling either or either a full head of garlic and approximately 3 quarts of water and boil until approximately 2 quarts are left and let cool and place in a sprayer or a bottle.The pepper water is the same but with 8 to 10 peppers make sure to test spot first because sensitive plants can be affected.
  6. jimmyq

    jimmyq Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Metro Vancouver, BC, Canada.
    when using "hot pepper water" on a tree please be very certain to wear eye and breathing protection otherwise you may find you are really uncomfortable after application. Might want to warn the neighbors kids while you are at it.
  7. same problem as original poster

    found this page while googling for tiny white bugs...

    these are all over my car... anybody know that these things are called?



  8. Fuzzy bugs

    I live in Portland Texas and am also plagued by these white fuzzy bugs. My next door neighbor has a small tree growing by my rear wrap driveway, the neighbors to the rear of my house have the same type of tree in their back yard except that one is huge. I have lived in my house for three years and every summer the bugs invade. The bugs are not white flies. I know this because I have a grapefruit tree that gets whiteflies. Unless there are other varities, white flies are not fuzzy. I don't think the tree drops sap, I think it is honey dew (a secretion) from the bugs that makes such a sticky mess all over everything in my back yard. The leaves on the trees have now started to turn black and look like they are wilted. I understand from researching white flies that sooty mold grows on the honey dew causing the black discoloration. I see these huge trees all over the city with the same problem. I can't imagine what anyone could do to treat such large trees but if anyone has any suggestions I'd love to enlighten my neighbors.
  9. same here!

    Hello my name is Sylvia and I also have the same problem with the white fuzzy bugs. I was wondering if u ever found out what they were. I also live in houston and also trying to get rid of the fuzzy bugs. Desiderio21@aol.com
  10. little white flying fuzzy BUGS

    I live in Alabama, and we have them all over the place at my school. It is so bad that you cant even chew gum, because they will fly into your mouth! I am not sure if these are the same kind of bugs but if anyone finds out what there are called please tell me.
  11. White Fuzzy "things" Solved

    Hey there....Got a little bored a the house and noticed these white "ash" looking things floating all over the place....Never seen them before....Look like fuzzballs or lint floating around....So I decided to find out what they are.....Turns out after about 15mins on the internet.....and hitting this forum.....I have the same thing here in SC....

    I think it is none other than a "woolly aphid".....Check out a few species off of google.


    This one matches mine EXACTLY:


    Hope this helps!
  12. They are metcalfa pruinosa, a type of leaf hopper. I've lived in San Antonio, Texas for the last 10 years and have never seen the things until this year. We are absolutely inundated by them. I don't have any at my home (I live 25 miles outside the city), but at work, on Lackland Air Force Base, they are swarming by the millions. Just walking outside gets you covered by the things.
  13. thank you for solving the BUG issue

    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU they are woolly aphids!!!! exactly and they are everywhere thank you again that is wonderful!!!
  14. wooly aphid remedy

    How do you get rid of the wooly aphid? They are attacking my car and maybe some other plant in my yard that I am un aware of. Are they in any relation to mealy bugs?
  15. Breeze

    Breeze New Member

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    Knoxville, TN
    I live in Knoxville, TN. The pictures are close but the ones we have here look different. Their wings are white, they are white all over. On these pictures the wings are not white

    So, I'm still searching for the answer...... =-O
  16. allysonm125

    allysonm125 Member

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    In Knoxville EVERYWHERE

    I live in Knoxville, TN, too and these things are everywhere. No matter where you are in the city, these things are there! WHAT ARE THEY?
    You can't walk outside without having them cover your clothes, in your hair, on your face. It's miserable. For the first few days, we thought they were ashes, but now it's obvious that they are bugs of some sort.
    This is a new thing for us!! Any ideas?!?
  17. You two in Knoxville work at cendant?
    the're all over down there, and they really are annoying bugs.
  18. I think they are the same kind of bug here in Knoxville. I have one sitting here on a piece of paper right beside me. They are all over the place, and they match the habits that the people in Texas are describing. It's funny seeing a new bug for the first time in your life after living somewhere for 25 years :)
  19. Knoxville tn too!

    I saw these little bugs crawling on my window...and while i was walking to school today...these are new to knoxville! I've lived here my entire life and never seen them before! they are not these "metcalfa pruinosa" you all talk about...they dont even seem to fly...they just float around.
  20. knoxville, tn (i have the white bugs, too!)

    I have lived in Knoxville my whole life, and this is first time I have ever seen these little white bugs flying everywhere... it looks like the air is covered in white flying ash. bizarre!!!!
  21. pineapple

    something similar is infesting a pineapple plant that i have is there any idea if that might be the same bug up here in washington
  22. endemiceden

    endemiceden New Member

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    White Plume Feather on bug thorax?

    I found a tree with lil white bugs shaking their tails. Their tails look like one feather plume very white and beautiful the bug body has 6 legs and it has black where the tail "feather" starts...They were all shaking their tails on the tree.

    Very curious.

    I wonder if it is an aphid too.
  23. they are new to me also

    I have lived in Dalton GA all of 24 years and this is the first I have ever seen of the fuzzy white bugs. They are a pest!!!!! I have to stay in the house because I am afraid I will breath them in. Where did they come from and how come no one has ever seen them before?
  24. I know

    My three year old said it looks like it is snowing. It does look like a snow storm at my house.

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