I purchased a very small (about 8 inches tall) bonsai-style money tree a few months ago. It seems to be flourishing, but its new foliage is huge compared to the tiny original leaves. I'm pleased with the new stems, but I'm wondering if it's possible to prune the tree and maintain the miniature bonsai look. Thanks!!
You will need a combination of more light and pinching back of the leaves/stems. More light will help it keep it's compact form. Pinching back will cause the next pair of leaves to come in small.
Thanks for the info, but can you be more specific about the "pinching back" method. I'm totally new at this and I don't want to hurt the little tree! : )
http://www.bonsaiprimer.com/pruning/leaftrim/leaftrim.html This link should get you started. There are many good web links on the art of training bonsai. Your local bookstore or library may also have some good instructional books.