Tiny mask

Discussion in 'Maples' started by AlainK, May 22, 2018.

  1. AlainK

    AlainK Renowned Contributor Forums Moderator Maple Society 10 Years

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    nr Orléans, France (E.U.)
    I use pesticides as sparingly as possible, so I sometimes have the pleasure of finding unusual insects like this tiny spider, only a few millimeters big, on a shirasawanum seedling. When I looked more closely, I saw a Japanese mask ;°)

    I think it's a Diaea dorsata, of the Thomisidae family, a species native to Europe and parts of Japan but absent in the Americas.

    Interesting also to see how hairy the stem of this seedling from A. shirasawanum 'Aureum' is:

    Diaea-dorsata_180521b.jpg Diaea-dorsata_180521c.jpg
    emery and JT1 like this.

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