Does anyone know what this flower is? It grows about 5cm in height. The flower is 8mm across. Colour fuchsia. It grows everywhere in the lawn (Ottawa Valley), but seems to like the edges near a gravel driveway best. I was unaware that it had white spots, until I enlarged the attached photo.
Thank you David in LA, for providing the name. I am trying to name all the wild flowers in my lawn. Twenty-five, so far.
We have let half the front lawn go to seed, the last few years. If anyone asks why we leave the weeds, they are corrected by our pointing out that it is, in fact, the gracious sweep of meadow. This is what I have discovered, so far: Bladder Campion Silene nivea Brown-eyed Susan Buttercup Chicory Cow vetch Creeping bellflower Daisy, Oxeye Dandelion Deptford pink Dianthus armeria Ditch lily Evening primrose Fuchsia Ground ivy Glechoma Harebell * Milkweed Orange hawkweed Queen Anne’s lace/wild carrot Selfheal Prunella Vulgaris Sow thistle Thistle (six feet high) Trillium Trout lily Wild parsnip (road allowance) Wild strawberry Yarrow