I recieved a tigerlily which was in bloom in August. Now that its fall the stems have turned brown and I gave them a trim. I'd like to put a couple outside and keep a couple for bloom inside next summer. What care should I give them. Should I put the ones I want to grow outside out now? Do I need to do anything special with the indoor ones or will they be happy to sit on the windowsill all winter? Thanks!
You can plant the lily bulbs outside now. I just put some bonemeal in the planting hole and usually once in the spring after they have sprouted. I don't think they make good indoor plants because some lilies need a cold period of at least 3 months, but there's nothing to prevent you from growing them in pots and bringing them indoors when they are blooming, either in the growing pots or as cut flowers.
Erin, I am suspicious that what you have actually is a Tiger Lily. Unfortunately there seems to be a habit by some large wholesale nursery in our area to label orange pixie type lilies as 'Tiger Lily'. If your lily had solid coloured flowers it certainly is not a true 'Tiger'. The true Tiger, Lilium tigrinum has a sharply recurved flower with dark, brown speckles. If the flowers do not look like the ones at the top of the page in this link, they may be nice lilies alright, but they're not Tigers.
They aren't Tigers I guess. They are solid orange if I remember right. I hope the same treatment is ok because they are already divided and put in the garden. I kept a couple in a pot for bringing indoors when they bloom too. So they are called orange pixie lilies?