Some lichen have very particular odours, but I haven't noticed any thus far for Hypogymnia. To be fair, although my nose has been very close to several Hypogymnias including H. duplicata, I was not paying attention to that quality for this genus. I will keep this in mind over the weekend and sniff if I find one: This species is not tremendously common in my immediate area, but I do find them occasionally. .... Is this a poem you are writing @VDF? What inspired you about this species particularly? :-)
Poetic name!! I was looking for something more specific than "lichen," found in the coastal rainforest, along with wood frog, and Northern goshawk...What kind of odours have you noticed for lichen? I saw that lichen have sometimes fishy smells, sometimes more like perfume. Thanks for your help!
In lichen, I notice genera and sometimes species that smell distinctly different from each other: In most cases I have not tried to describe the smell, to myself or anyone else... I think they defy a standard classification. A few are clearly and specifically woodsy earth perfume or eau de fish. Some smell more interesting when dried, some smell faintly nauseating when dried. On the coast where masses of Usnea hang in the marine fog zone, holding a mass to my nose, it is a smell I really like ... ... again, I will try to do some sniffing this weekend ... perhaps others in this forum will do so as well :-)
I have never hard "Ticker tape bone lichen". (No surprise as I'm not a botanist or anything). I've been looking for inspiration for a new song. This may be it. Please suggest any lyrics that may come to you.
The name alone of this lichen sounds musical! Just rolls off the tongue. The poem I've been working on has more to do with breath... ...almost tidal, the tickertape bone bark-dwelling lichen Douglas-fir conifer citrus...