This season is great for mushroom lovers. I am on Mayne Island, and there are hundreds of mushrooms - a feast to the eyes. I am not going to eat them, but just admiring their beauty. However, it would be more interesting if I can identify them correctly. Here are three that I have found. I think these are Agaricus campestris. Please confirm.
For Agaricus ID you will need to add a few more details: Base of stipe equal or swollen? Bruising colour on stipe looks reddish, is that the case? Does stipe base or any part bruise yellow, and if so, slow or fast? Is the odour bandaids, almonds or mild? Confirm colouring of cap more grey tones than brown tones? Sense of overall size? Habitat?
Thanks for reminding me to go to the basics of mushroom identification. Again, sorry for the scanty information. These three mushrooms are isolated in one area mostly covered with small stones, with no other mushrooms around. The three appear to be similar in age, and probably near the end stage. I put a Canadian $2 coin there for size comparison. The colour of the cap is light grey, and not brown. The stripe is white and the middle is swollen. Unfortunately I did not try to elicit any bruising or to smell it.
All good ... Agaricus is a bit fiddly with ID sometimes ... sorry I did not notice the coin in the photo initially, thanks for including that