This vine cropped up in my neighbors property in the last two years. She never bothered to do anything about it and it has since grown very fast. I cut much of the original plant back today in hopes of saving the small trees it was snuffing out. But I went along her property line and this plant has popped up over 20 feet from where the vine started. Lots of the root system is above ground looking almost like tree roots above ground but the vine is growing from it. This is coming way to close to invading my garden. Does anyone know what this may be or how to get rid of it?? Thanks for your help and here are pictures.
I thought it was grape too but it never has produced any. But does that thing travel around. It must go underground and come back up where it wants. Takes over quickly
It looks like there is fruit developing this year. I would be sooo happy having a neighbour growing grapes for me!
I seem to remember seeing quite a bit of wild grape vines n Quebec and Ontario. Wild grapes tend to make very small fruit and often not much of it.