All but one of these plants grow in Ecuador. Genus and species for each, and bonus points for pointing out the one I don't have in my garden.
Nope. Much more common, and a species, not a hybrid! The plant is named after the area in Ecuador where it was first described.
Phytelephas the only elephant palm realted thing I could thing of? P. aequatorialis being one from Ecuador with identical flowering/seed?
That would be it, alright - the Tagua palm, and source of sought-after vegetable ivory. It's also edible. Is nobody going to take a stab at A, the Ecuadorean-named native shrub? It's in almost all your food.
Well, not the spiky bit directly. But the plant is used in almost every processed food in the US. Not sure for the UK.
Well, presumably the plant is named after the explorer, but I know that the province was named after the plant, although the capital city of the province in question is also named for the explorer who founded it... Is anyone going to come out and say what we're talking about?
Aha . . . Annatto Bixa orellana. Yes, it is used as a food colouring over here, but not a huge lot, and getting less used too since health concerns were raised about it about 15 years ago (linked to hyperactivity in children, and various allergies and intolerance). Very little of the food that I eat has any in.
Almost all of my cheese has a bit in, but then again... It's not like everything I eat has Annato in it. Equally, Ecuador uses whole-seed extracts rather than the more complex single-dye extracts (160b) that are used in the developed world, so perhaps that has something to do with why none of the symptoms on that site are present in this country. Achiote (annato paste) is a traditional ingredient in a huge number of dishes. Ding ding ding WINNER.