I am looking for a naturally very thin type tree. I thought a Hollywood cypress/juniper was what I was looking for but I think not after reading some of the posts. Can anyone help me? Thanks a lot! Joyce G
Try Cryptomeria japonica 'Yoshino'. Ours is near 30 ft tall and only 12' in diameter near the ground. It's green all year long and does not brown in winter here. The texture is soft and very beautiful.
I don't know what a Hollywood Cypress/Juniper is, perhaps haven't read the right posts. The latin name would help to clarify what you don't want. Also, what are the characteristics that you DO want? Do you want the foliage to be spreading, upright-growing, or drooping? All three can make for a very thin tree, but the effect is very different. Also, what ultimate height do you have in mind?