Strange looking droplet like blobs, 8mm & 5mm in size. Looks like fluid filled and surface covered in part with white skin. Don't want to poke it before having it IDed first !
Thumbnail or close up, they both look to me like resin drips from conifers. Be interesting to hear what the mycologists think.
The second one seems clearly resin drips as Thanrose says. The first one seems ambiguous (re the almost patterned goosebumps on the surface, right side) but perhaps that is just because I have not seen surface detail that close of a resin drip? Also, while there are many resinicolous fungi, as well as some fungi that cause trees to exude, I'm not sure how to tell when the whitish covering is normal drying resin colour change and when it is related to fungi, either colonization or other. When the resin turns other colours there are other diagnostic clues about this. I expect one of the tree/shrub specialists in the forums would know.
Regarding "the almost patterned goosebumps on the surface, right side". I think that is just a continuation of the water droplets.