I thought it may me cuatrecasasii based on this link but can't tell for sure. http://chingaza.uniandes.edu.co/chingaza/Genera/Passiflora.html
Although the flower looks similar to a fuchsia - I don't believe it is a fuchsia because there isn't an ovary above the flower tube, the flower tube opening is different and the leaves don't look like fuchsia leaves. It might be Passiflora tripartita....
Pardon my error. Was misled by: 1. my incorrect fuchsia ID; 2. my preconception of what a passionflower looks like, and; 3. confusion from looking up 'Fuchsia cuatrecasasii' and finding what appeared to be substantiation for the existence of this as a sp. Example: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dave_green/5346244469/ (One wonders if Mr. Green has acquired that plant by legal means!) And yes, have also seen that 'Passiflora cuatrecasasii' exists as well. Thanks, Colombia and woates---as the saying goes, I've been schooled!
Definately Passiflora, and yes, could be tripartita... or antioquiensis, tarminiana, etc. Something within the cool-growing sect. Tacsonia. Probably one of the banana passionfruit.
Definitely a Taxo of some sort. I'd be looking at tripartata, mixta, and antioquiensis for that one, but they're very hard to tell from one another when they're pink like that.
Thanks but it is not antioquiensis I have photos of that and the others mentioned don't look more of a match then the cuatrecasasii link above.
This might be your flower - if the plant in this image has been correctly labeled..... http://www.chileflora.com/Florachilena/FloraEnglish/HighResPages/EH1979.htm
I do not know the flower parts names, but on my photo the tube of the flower is the same color as the flower and the portion above that is not green like it is for tripartita where the tube of the flower is also green. http://www.passiflora.it/mollissima.htm
Well I got the name of the plant part now. For tripartita:The base of the flower has pale green bracts enclosing a swollen nectary chamber. The floral tube (hypanthium) is 6-8 × 0. 7-1 cm and pale green. Which does not match the colors I have in my photo
I had another look at your original pictures and you are right the floral tube is the same colour as the flower petals. I also noticed that your flower is compound (double), while the tripartita appears to have a single flower. The search continues....
Hi everybody: This is my first post here, i´m from Colombia, i love passionflowers i have some species in home and i´ve seen much in the wild. About passionflower in the pics the real specie is Passiflora luzmarina, https://dl.dropbox.com/u/51274779/Coleccion Passifloras/luzmarina/DSC00563.JPG https://dl.dropbox.com/u/51274779/Coleccion Passifloras/luzmarina/DSC00568.JPG https://dl.dropbox.com/u/51274779/Coleccion Passifloras/luzmarina/DSC00557.JPG This ones were taken in Bogota´s botanical garden more closest specie is Passiflora cumbalensis https://dl.dropbox.com/u/51274779/Coleccion Passifloras/cumbalensis_sanmiguel/cumbalensis2.JPG About Passiflora cuatrecasasii is a very rare and endemic Colombian plant that has entire leaves and very, very deep pink flowers http://www.hewo.nl/passiflora-species/A-E/Passiflora cuatrecasii -.html picture was on a book about Colombian páramos Passiflora specie that is sometimes confused with fuscias is Passiflora trinervia http://www.scientific-web.com/en/Biology/Plants/Magnoliophyta/PassifloraTrinervia01.html See ya everybody
Kaamos, I LOVE YOU! No seriously. I would love to obtain some of these species, if you have access and are willing. I would really love a Passiflora umbilicata, I know that is out of your area, but if anyone else knows..... PLEASE, And thank you for the REAL scoop!