Can't remember the name of a shrub looking very similar to Philadelphus, especially when in bloom. It blooms at about the same time , or maybe a little later than Philadelphus, the flowers are multi petalled, white, similar in shape to Philadelphus, but smaller. Please help!
Thanks everybody. You are all wonderful! It is Deutzia I had in mind. I have seen it just once during one of our garden tours here in the Kootenays. I wonder if Deutzia is a suitable plant for my growing conditions, very hot during summer, sunny, dry, sandy soil with perfect drainage. I would not plant anything what requires watering more often than once a week.
I am very much with you re. this, Ron. My first goal is to recover and/or let grow on my property as many native plants as I possibly can, despite that, being realistic, I am afraid that those who will live here after me will not continue my efforts. Native trees, shrubs, wild flowers, grasses and mushrooms, all are welcome here. All my plants, flower beds and my edible garden don't know what herbicides, pesticides and synthetic fertilizers are. In my gardening I have been trying to follow nature ways, it can be called bio-mimicry, or permaculture. Nonetheless I like to have a little more diversity here than nature in its current state can provide.