Hello! I'm new here and, well my main reason for being here is to identify the plants and things in my local area, I already have a couple but the next i will upload later, firstly there is this one. At first i was a bit excited thinking it was st. johns wort, a popular herb i know of, but I'm not so sure it is looking at the leaves... Any ideas?
Senecio sp, the flowers are mostly unopened yet. This could be a very aggressive weed in NSW, Senecio madagascariensis: http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/agriculture/pests-weeds/weeds/profiles/fireweed
Which Tamworth is it in? If in Britain, it won't be Senecio madagascariensis! My guess would be Oxford Ragwort Senecio squalidus, as it is too early in the year for the Common Ragwort Senecio jacobaea to be in flower yet, and Groundsel Senecio vulgaris doesn't have the ray florets shown by this plant.
Thanks to the both of you for the replies, I did mean England, sorry i forgot about that. looking at pictures of the plants described, it appears to be an oxford ragwort, due to that the others leaves are of different sizes and shapes and this is the closest resemblance.