The Cultivation of Stevia, "Nature's Sweetener" The stevia plant belongs to the Compositae (sunflower family of plants). Centuries ago, Natives of Paraguay used the leaves of this small, herbaceous, semi-bushy, perennial shrub to sweeten their bitter drinks. This plant appears to have some potential. I must grow it next year.
i tried it this year. wasn't able to get it planted outside due to too much rain and i wanted to keep it as a houseplant anyway (not a perennial here). it didn't last needs a fair amount of moisture... i may try it again next year though...i would LOVE to use it as a sweetener! 12 August 2007 Stevia Seedlings (Stevia rebaudiana) Twelve plants ere received from Richters. They were ordered on 7 August and received on 12 August 2008. The cultivars were planted in pots, since our season is advanced.