I had planted a "Beauty Plum" in my Garden. In the next year it grew approx 15-20 plums and I was quite pleasantly surprised....This year it grew more than 200 plums and I let them ripen to the point of them turning soft.... Wow, extremely succulent and sweet.... It also fertilised the Satsuma plum near by and it too has started putting out fruit now. Beauty is probably the easiest for the new inexperienced gardner like me G1
Being a Japanese plum the 'Satsuma' probably fruited due to the occurrence of favorable weather conditions at flowering time rather than the application of fertilizer. These early-blooming trees may not be well-pollinated every year here in the north. If the weather is too poor for bees to be active good pollination does not occur. Young plum trees also sometimes take some time to begin producing flowers. No flowers, no fruit.
This year was the best in my memory for Japanese plums in the Vancouver area. I have a Santa Rosa plum that has never produced more than a half dozen plums in any previous year. It has 3 other types of plums grafted on to it, including a Red Heart plum that also normally only produces 2 or 3 plums. This year both of those varieties set crops as big as they could carry. I'm sure it was due to abnormally warm and dry weather during the pollination season. I have several mason bee houses with up to a thousand bees hatching every year; so lack of bees is not a problem. It seems that our normal spring weather is just too cool for a good crop of Japanese plums. The Yellow Egg and Italian Prune plums that are grafted on the same tree always produce crops that require thinning to keep from overloading the tree.