... so not sure where to post this so here it is ... there is a large tree in front of the Greyhound bus terminal .. it is gorgeous and I'm told that it is covered in blossoms in the spring and summer. my guess from looking at it is that its relatively old and thanks in part to the wind storms i collected some seed pods from its base earlier this winter. i'm new to vancouver and am just getting some of the background on the local flora and fauna. people i've spoken to know the tree i'm talking about but none know its species. any information would be great, thanks.
1166 Main Street @ Terminal Ave ... don't know if that helps. the name of the park is Thornton Park. pics? sorry the only ones i have so far were taken at night [the last time i was there] and they aren't much help i assure you.
Hello I think they are paulownia or empress trees does this image search remind you of them? http://images.google.ca/images?svnum=10&hl=en&q=paulownia+tomentosa Trees of Vancouver by Gerald Straley identifies the trees at the CN rail station as Paulownia tomentosa
Paulownia is one with large woody capsules. Also its architecture and generally large parts make it conspicuous.
Paulownia tomentosa .. that's it .. or at the very least that's the seed pods i have ... thank you all ... i'll let you know how the Paulownia tomentosa bonsai is coming after i do some more research .. .m.
Definitely a Pawlonia; I've seen it (or them, I think there are two) in bloom and have collected seeds too. Hope you have better luck with them.
Easy from seed on surface, 65-70 degrees F, kept moist, peat mix, needs light to germinate. watch for molds.
you mean sprinkle the seeds from the seed pod on the soils surface then water until they germinate ? should there be a layer of soil over the seeds or leave them bare ? also should the seed tray be covered to maintain humidity ?
place the seeds about 1/2" or 3/4" apart or sow in individual pots. maybe best to plunge the growing pot in water or allow moist mix to draw water up from the bottom, then drain well. probably best if seed is in full contact with potting mix. don't cover with the mix, but yes it works well to cover the seed tray. Careful of any molds starting, remove any seeds with mold or spray to inhibit molds. can't remember how long to germination, may have been within 14 to 30 days.have started them in the fall and don't know how long the seed is viable.