I grew up with apple trees in our back yard that had cocoons like these. When I moved here and heard a lot about the city spraying to control tent caterpillars, I never made the connection. And I never saw cocoons here until today at the garden, in the Diospyros lotus near the pond near the entrance and on a rhododendron off Lower Asian Way. Are we expecting these trees to be defoliated? Does the garden let nature fight it out, or consider this something that needs to be/will be controlled?
Thank you! I've broken my rule and renamed the thread. My questions are the same. That page does say "New, effective methods are needed to control this organism".
Which is, of course, total stercus taurinum. The same page also (from a more authoritative source) says "does not harm otherwise healthy trees" - so why the **** [expletive deleted] do they "need" to control it? Why does every living thing have to be destroyed for the slightest minor inconvenience to one or two people?? The total idiocy of modern inhumanity.