Flash Forest aims to use drones to plant a billion trees by 2028 Flash Forest What do you think of this approach? The above appears to be a Toronto-based effort similar to Seattle's previous 'Droneseed' (see links below): Tree-planting drones to speed up reforestation efforts https://www.droneseed.com/ Hmm...maybe...but I have Doubts! By the way, here is a link to my original source: Canadian scientists develop plan to plant over a billion trees using drone swarms | Daily Mail Online
How much energy per surviving plant it takes? What would be cost per surviving plant? Energetically inefficient solution will not survive! If they can offer the same quality (or better) results than traditional methods, at similar price or cheaper, then this business may find its fair market share.
I have not enough knowledge and experience in the field of tree planting and planting techniques to express my own personal opinion on the topic. However, after reading all the contents in your links I tend to agree strongly with Jordan Tesluk's comment to the article in New Atlas. His opinion is based on knowledge and a very extensive experience. His comment is very comprehensive (so quite long) but by all means worth of reading: "The moment a new technology is developed, people want to apply it to everything, and start making outlandish claims about the promise of their new computerized wonders. This project is interesting. It may in fact have some useful application in very specific locations, with very specific types of planting mediums, growing conditions, and access challenges. However, the idea of this replacing human tree planters is simply ludicrous and unrealistic at this time." . . . for the whole comment look at https://newatlas.com/tree-planting-drones-droneseed/45259/
Agree - and even more so, in respect of replacing natural regeneration (which is almost invariably the best way to maintain and increase biodiversity).
Tree planting methods and techniques is one thing, what is being planted and where is another. "What kind of trees are we planting? Where? How does this tie into the desperate need for conservation and other climate justice efforts? These are the questions we have to consider, both on a personal and international level. Not every tree planting initiative is a useful or helpful one, particularly if we are talking about large scale tree planting efforts that decimate wilderness for the sake of a cash crop. . . ." Why we can’t just #PlantATree