I have a tazmanian fern which appears to be dying. All the leaves are turning brown. I keep it inside during the winter,outside in summer. It did a lot better a year ago. Any suggestion to cure it ?
I would make sure it is getting enough humidity and water, check it for insects and keep it out of full sun and away from cold and hots drafts.
Need to simulate cloud forest environment, ordinary living room conditions aren't going to do it. Not a house plant, some plants will grow in low humidity etc. of house and others need something better. If it did OK with same treatment last year then something is different this time, if not bugs as suggested then perhaps potting medium has deteriorated.
It is very important to keep the fuzzy "trunk" moist. When you water it, make sure you wet the trunk. Mist it often, at least every day. If you must keep it inside, put it on a tray of pebbles that is kept topped up with water (as you would with an orchid). That way the water will evaporate and provide humidity. Good luck!
The trunk is actually a column of roots. Tops of some tree ferns can be cut off and replanted in the ground, continue growing.
I have misted the fern daily for the last month. I am now getting new shoots. thanks for your input. Tim