I live in Lake City Fl and planted a tangerine tree a couple of years ago and every year I get several blooms and I see little tangerines on the blooms when they go away but soon after they fall off I am feeding it per instrutions I got from the person I purchased it from and it is a beautiful tree except it doesn't produce fruit it is about 4 ft tall is it too young to produce fruit or am I not doing something right Thanks for any help you can give me Linda
So I need to plant another type of tangerine I need to know what kind I need to plant so it will bear fruit if it is a clementine I will go back to the person I purchased it from tomorrow and find out what kind it is so please tell me the kind that would be compatable with my treeand I will see if he has one while I'm there and by the way thank you for your post Linda
"Several" does not sound like a large number. Could you quantify the number of flowers that are being produced? Perhaps part of the problem is in the small number of flowers to begin with since only 1-2% of flowers go on to produce fruit under normal circumstances. Or did you mean to say "several flushes of blooms"?
Do I need to fert more or less I do it every six weeks and we haven't been getting a lot of rain this year but I try to keep it watered at least a couple times a week
I would like to see you going simple! by just given the tree a bit more water. At this time it looks like your fert's are fine. It's growing and producing flowers, a bit more water should also activate the fert's that you have already added. The extra water during bloom should help in producing friutlets. Dont over water, just give it more than in the past.