Hi guys... I decided to buy a plant. It's my first plant. I'm not even entirely sure what it is, so I've attached a few pictures... I spoke to the store keeper, and she told me to water it once every three days, with ~ 500 mL, and to spray the leaves with water daily, b/c it likes moisture. So far it hasn't given me any major problems (I've had it for about 2 weeks), but I've noticed the baby (still green) tangerines have been falling off a lot recently. Should I be watering it more, less, spraying it with water more/less? Does anyone know what it is? It's hard to find info on the internet when I don't even know the exact name... Thanks for reading : )
It looks like a calamondin (a cross between a mandarin and a kumquat). Water only when the top inch or two of soil has had a chance to dry rather than on a fixed schedule. Err on the side of dry as citrus trees are susceptible to root rot. Never allow it to sit in a tray of water. The occasional misting of the leaves is intended to increase the surrounding humidity but IMO has little effect. Better to use a pebble tray or a humidifier. Keep the tree away from drafts. Give it bright light in normal room temperature. Some fruit drop is normal for citrus. I suggest perusing the citrus forum for more information. Nice looking tree, BTW.
Thanks so much for your input! I'm very keen on keeping it alive/healthy... I don't know exactly what a pebble tray is, but I believe I've got it placed on a water tray (picture attached). The tray did have a small amount of water in it ( I just checked). Where can I find a pebble tray, or would I be able to make one? Also, how can i tell if the first top 2 inches are dry? Should i stick my finger into it and feel around? I was worried I wasn't watering it enough b/c some of the white flowers started to look a little brown/dried out/withered. Thanks again!
By pebble tray I mean a tray lined with pebbles, lava rock, or some similar material that has been filled to a level that would keep the material moist. This creates a surface area from which water can evaporate to generate extra humidity. The plant is usually placed on top of the material but not in contact with the water. It looks like you're using the terra cotta colored pot as an outer liner for the real pot. That's okay. Just make sure the inner pot doesn't sit in water. The bottom appears to be convex which resulted in the water draining to the outside. This will probably keep the inner pot dry as long as you don't overwater too much. Yes, you can use the finger method to check the dryness of the soil. I go by the weight of the pot. Some people use moisture meters. It's a matter of personal preference.