I just landscaped my newly developed yard, and now want to sell my house, I am trying to figure out how to move a few for my perennials but we might move in the dead of winter, and I dont know when I can replant, should I just leave everything? For example, jacobs ladders...can I up root and plant in dry pots to be moved later? And hostas', do I just dry out the plant and put it in a bag? Do I just keep them dry and dark? My Jacob's ladder and Colombine(sp?) are still very alive, and my Clamatus's bloomed in early october the, the flowers are still on there, although now very dried(kindo creepy if you ask me LOL) Its mid-November and the area I live in has very mild winters. We rarely have snow before Christmas and Its never below -15 or -20 for more than a few weeks in january or february, so I am afraid to move some of them to the garage in case the start to re-grow. I currently have a pot of lily's that are going green again after I moved then in side when the went yellow and I cut then back in October . How long can anything be stored for?