I have tried for several years to take a cutting from a very productive fig tree without much success. The fig tree that I have is VERY productive with beautiful and delicious fruit. I want to try to take a cutting from this tree and start another one but so far have not met with much success. Do you have any suggestions? I live in the mid-atlantic states and have cold weather from December thru February.
Hi Someone else has asked the same question before: http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=18317 I would try air layering and cuttings at the same time to maximise your success rate. The advice about using a plastic bag to increase humidity is worth considering. Lucky you having a fig tree, yum. ciao bertoli
THANK you very much for taking the time to reply. I will certainly give this a try. The fig tree is quite healthy and I really did want to take some cuttings. THANKS AGAIN.