Hi! I am new member here (well not actually, but could not remember old login from several years ago) and have question about a dwarf 'Black Tatarian' sweet cherry, that I plant in March. Tree leaf out since mid-April, but leaves very small and it grow hardly. All other trees have much longer shoots now at end of May. Is this transplant shock or temperature stress? The plant had less roots on than I expected and temperatures have alternated between hot and cold recently. Plant receive full sun. Will plant recover, or should I replace with different fruit tree? Thanks for help!
Looks like it needs to be watered. Top won't grow much until next spring, due to root loss - most root growth occurs in fall.
Thanks! So the tree will probably recover next year? I water it, when it dry. Photo was taken after several days heavy rain - the leaves always hang down a little and look rather poor. So lack of water is not problem at time of photo. But it continue to grow slowly, so it is not dead at least.
If too wet top will also flag, as roots are suffocating and cannot keep top supplied. Dig around in the soil next to it and see what conditions are before you decide you know what the moisture situation is.