Found this site while looking for some answers to a happy surprise in my garden last summer. I have a 3ft. sango kaku which I bought in 2002. On one of my routine inspections I noticed a tiny 1 inch red twig emerging from the ground about 10 inches away from the main trunk. I was about to yank it, thinking it was a weed then changed my mind on the wild chance it was part of the tree-I didn't think it could be a seedling since I believed these trees are grafted, but I was unable to explain the red colour. Sure enough, distinctly maple-shaped leaves emerged as summer progressed. I protected it with dry leaves and waited. Well, I pulled away the leaves last weekend and my tiny-now 4 inch red twig is growing and I can see furled green leaves at the top which I expect will open shortly! Do you think I have a new coral bark maple which will not only grow, but survive winters on its own rootstock here in Mission, BC? Also, when should I attempt to transplant it? Excitedly awaiting any information.
Sounds like the seed either fell from your maple,or possibly stowed away in your maples potting soil from the nursery. Whatever it becomes ,it will be a good one. Cause ther ain't now bad ***. Maples. Dave.
I'd put it in it's own pot now. It only gets tougher to transplant as it grows. But you know what you are in for? You'll be collecting seed this fall and keeping them in bags in the refrigerator with damp peat moss all winter. Or, even worse, you'll start looking under Japanese Maples in office parks and neighbors yards for seedlings. That's how I got my first seedlings that I used as my first rootstock. Be careful you'll run out of room to keep them all.
room to keep them all. "Be careful you'll run out of room to keep them all.". Yeah, you'll have to buy property, right
Seeds from a Sango Kaku. I have three of them in my yard and to my surprise, I noticed that one of them has a number of very small seeds hanging of it. They are a very pale cream about 5 mm across and they are quite different to the normal AP seeds that I see around. Does anyone know if they will do anything if properly treated? The other two Coral Bark maples have never produced seed and my other grafted maples normally don't have worthwhile quantities of seed. I know what it is like to run out of room making way for Maples and luckily enough my wife does not care (or at least thats what she says). Regards Stephen