supermarket roses

Discussion in 'Rosa (roses)' started by sungodess134, Aug 5, 2008.

  1. sungodess134

    sungodess134 Active Member

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    Port St. Lucie, FL
    Hi everybody, I bought one of those miniature rose bushes from the supermarket on a whim about a week ago. I placed it in my bathroom, which receives sunlight in the afternoon, I have been watering it faithfully. The poor thing is dying and I don't know what to do. Do I plant it outside? in the shade? in the sun? let it dry a bit? feed it something, I really am at a loss. Can anyone help? thanks.
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Might have dried out despite watering. What = dying in this instance? Wilting and shriveling? Turning black?
  3. Weekend Gardener

    Weekend Gardener Active Member 10 Years

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    Coquitlam, BC
    Those supermarket miniature roses, usually several plants rooted onto one single small pot, decorated nicely, are usually bought as a perishable commodity - i.e. treated like cut flowers. Once the best of blooms is over, I always throw them into the compost bin. They are greenhouse grown under ideal conditions and difficult to grow on in the garden without lots of TLC. They are not meant to be grown permanently as indoor plants, unless you have a good artificial light source.

    If you want to coax it back into healthy, you have to give it more sun exposure - which means growing it outside. If this were the spring, they might stand a chance growing in the ground, as they would have had time to establish themselves enough to become winter hardy. However, given that it's August, it's probably too late in the season.
  4. sungodess134

    sungodess134 Active Member

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    Port St. Lucie, FL
    thanks, they have completely died out and I will throw them into the compost, not a complete waste then. I will pass them up from now on they were just so pretty.

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