Hey all, just registered with my own account although I've read through threads here often. I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this. I've run into this very beautiful tree with berries colored from bright yellow to red. After browsing through 55 pages of google image results for 'yellow red berries' I've found one picture here: http://lh6.ggpht.com/_E90PHLChLDs/RgOjWYyxg9I/AAAAAAAAAKA/y7fV7LPzXNc/CIMG2561.JPG The picture was titled Sunset berries, but another google search for sunset berries yields no useful results. Have I got the name right? Also, does anyone happen to know other names or the scientific name for it? I'm wondering if they're edible as they look delicious! I'll attach a couple pics I took with my phone as well.
Yep, Arbutus unedo. Edible, but rather bland, not very tasty, and with a gritty texture from the skin.
I will regroup and attempt another salvo. Say you have a basket full of fruit all ripe, all of the same age. Will all be uniformly red?
> indicates a sequence. Red = ripe. Fruits take a year to mature, are therefore seen together with flowers of following year.
if you can eat to much Arbutus fruits you may get drunked becasue it turns in alchool and you feel like you are flying. They are very delicious and soft fruits.