Saw this today (midsummer in the Southern Hemisphere) and just can't pick what it is. It has the colour of a Rudbeckia but the centre of the flower looks wrong. The foliage is a bit like helianthus, but it's bronze and slightly lustrous. It's obviously a perennial, because it's suckering freely, and it has the general feel of some sort of North American daisy, though probably a cultivar. Any ideas. Thanks
The colours certainly suggest Gaillardia, as does the fact that the outer disc florets are the same colour as the base of the ray florets, but there's none of the bristliness of Gaillardia stems and leaves, and the back of the flowerhead doesn't look right. Also, I haven't been able to find a bronze- or purple-foliage Gaillardia. Will Gaillardia and Rudbeckia cross?