Looking for some suggestions for trees to plant on the side of the driveway where the garage is that borders with the neighbour with the dog. Someone mentioned a tree called "english something" I can't remember now, it comes in prince and princesses and it's spiky looking? We are in Zone 5 waiting for some feedbacks cheers
Hi jack--the plant mentioned would be blue holly, Ilex meserveae. It comes in male and female, as do most or all types of holly, so you can choose whether to have berries or not. Blue Prince or Princess, referring to the sex of plant... That would be an interesting choice, seems to be hardy where you are tho a bit prone to wind burn in an arctic snap...but then most broad leaved evergreens would have that drawback. At least this lets you grow holly where the english holly (ilex aquifolium) would be too tender. Are you trying to restrain the neighbour's dogs...therefore looking for something prickly? Many barberries are also available in your area, some very attractive coloured foliage on them...