We live out in what we call the "hinterland" (Magic Mtn area) where it gets VERY hot. We have installed arbors on a patio that get sun all day, all the time, from sun up to sun down. Trying to find a climber that can grow on the arbors to create some sort of shade when using the patio. Naturally we will require something that can live in a container; we are willing to water, yet if we skip a day or two don't want to look out and see the climber in flames due to the sun! Any help is so deeply appreciated. Thanks one and all.
Maybe a grape vine. Regardless of kind of vine chosen, for vigorous and large growth that quickly covers arbor need to have plant in ground or very large container. Plants sitting above ground also more susceptible to heat and cold damage.
You can grow a bower vine (pink or white) which is pretty fast growing. You can also grow a potato vine (white or purple). Grapes die off in the winter as do most vines. Because it also gets so cold in the winter you have yet another problem with your vine freezing. I live in woodland hills and the area gets 114 in summer and hits 22 to 24 in the winter. It only takes three days of this weather to kill a plant. The ones above will withstand the heat as long as they are watered but will freeze if temps drop below 30 for more than 2-3 days. Good luck
Thanks, yet have tried both and watched them go up in flames! UGH! Picked up a climbing rose bush which requires full sun, plus what is called a Heavenly Bamboo plant that gets about 7' tall; it specifically states, "NO SHADE, FULL SUN!" Well, we will see. The Heavenly bamboo plant is thin enough where I can tie it to the arbor and therefore promote some shade (hopefully!). Thank you for your input....let's keep trying. I am bound and determined to have something green out there that can promote shade!
Is there something in your local native plants that might work? There is an Australian vine called the "Happy wanderer" Hardenbergia, that can probably cope with your conditions. Don't know if it is available in California. The potato vine is an excellent one for fast coverage and love full sun. BUT If you can I would plant all vines in soil and train to the trellis. That way they will survive with little care and of course mulch well to help them retain water. Had a look at your weather and much of it looks similar to here. I also have an ornamental grape vine that turns scarlet in Autumn and it also grows happily on my fences in heat and cold. Given that grapes grow in California this might be an option too. http://www.abc.net.au/gardening/stories/s1460240.htm http://www.cradocnursery.com.au/plants/Hardenbergia-violacea--Happy-Wanderer-.shtml http://www.burkesbackyard.com.au/19.../flowering_plants_and_shrubs/ornamental_grape http://www.dwpicture.com.au/picture...t2=Flowers, Shrubs, Trees - T to Z&cat3=Vitis Liz
Liz - I think I will try this vine also. I have a gondolla that has so many vines I am trying. I just want it covered. I live in So Calif and have passion flower, potato vine, bower, grapes and put a berry vine in not too long ago. We will see who wins out. I like that the happy wonderer flowers in winter though
Have you tried bougainvillea? I'm at the coast, so granted the climate's different, but seems like that's one of the most commonly seen vines in So Cal. I just haven't grown it because it's a bit spiny, and I like to be barefoot!
Hi and thanks for the suggestion. I do have a bougainvillea and it is doing okay, yet we must also remember that any plant will only grow as large as its environment, so recently re-potted it. I also found a thornless climbing rose bush. If memory serves me correctly, it is called, "Harry Banks climbing rose" it is fairing VERY well! And, I also purchased the most beautiful "Parasol Mandeville" ~ takes very lit'l water and has large lush leaves. Both have been in their pots for about 2 weeks and no smoke yet....so I do believe they will survive. Plus, I came to the realization that just perhaps I have been over watering also!! Being very careful now with the hose!! Thanks so much for your suggestion.
Great - I hope those work out well for you. I have a mandevilla also, and the flowers are lovely. You may also want to check out the suggestions at this site, which I just happened to come across: http://www.hotgardens.net/vines_climbers_for_hot_climates.htm