Welcome to the Forum! How about a photo? Do you mean 'eating' as in insect damage, or 'eating' as in deer ditto? Leaves, bark, roots? Further description, written and visual, would be helpful!
Like in eating the leaves nothing left... all of them on the Maple on one branch... The trunk branches out in two directions. It is now starting out on the other side.
Sounds like maybe caterpillars of some sort. (Isn't mulberry the traditional food of the silk worm?) See if you can spot anything crawling around, and if so get an appropriate insecticide. Maples have a second chance -- just one -- so if you can kill the critters the next round of leaves will be OK. But if something happens to the second push of buds, the tree will die for certain. Good luck! -E
<shudder> I remember a gypsy moth infestation in Boston and area in the early 80s. Horrible, the pavement was carpeted, huge swaths of forest were completely stripped. Hope it's not that.
Oh yes. My parents in NY have described gypsy-moth infestation on their huge oak in the back yard in horrible, disgusting detail. If this was the problem I fully agree with Ron---visible to the nth degree and beyond!!!
Nothing is visible My husband thinks it is just dying but it is happening so fast. I looked closer at some of the leaves and they look like small versions of the usual ones. I lived through a gypsy moth and the catapillars were awfull!!! I had to spray water on the door on my house just to get them out of the way. You could hear them at night their droppings made it sound like it was raining... gives me shivers awful experience
I attached a picture of a leaf from another tree we have and the one that is having trouble. As you can see it is stunted.