13 August 2006 Sugar Baby Watermellon. None have been picked yet but the fruiting bodies are large and healthy. Determining when to pick the fruit is sometime problematic. One hates to pick too soon, since an unripe watermellon is not too tasty, but a perfectly ripe one is a gourmet's delight. Most of the supermarket watermellon are unripe. Seldom does one buy a perfect watermellon in the market. I suspect they do not transport well when vine ripened. They do not ripen more after picking, similiar to strawberries. There were muskmellons planted in the same bed which I removed due to damage by downy mildew. The fungus never touched the Sugar Baby Watermellon plants. The downy mildew destroyed my cuccumbers and muskmellon in July. Durgan.
I'm trying to grow sugar baby watermelons as well. Mine are still tiny, less than an inch in diameter, so I don't think I'll be eating any of them. Sorry I can't answer your watermelon question, but consider yourself blessed to be able to grow them to that size.
I picked the largest surgarbaby on th 19 of August. It was not fully ripened, but sweet enough. There are about seven fruiting bodies so I might get some ripe ones. This was a good year in our Zone 5, with plenty of hot sun and adequate rain, so it was not necessary to water the plants more than once or twice. Durgan.
I am growing Sugar Babies as well!I have about 10. 2 are 6 inches in diameter and the rest are about 1 inch in diameter to 2 inches.Do you think I could still eat water melon this year?