But haven't seen any of these locally in Vancouver. It's grown outside, in a temperate USDA zone 7-8 equivalent, up against a wall.
Resembles Alangium. If that's what it is, they have at least one at UBC--see 'Botany Photo of the Day'.
I don't know this plant at all, but I stand on the shoulders of giants and can use a search engine as well as the next guy. Daniel's reply suggests that we can call it "Al." Ron has pegged it to genus. The foliage looks much like the Alangium platanifolium on this page: http://members.tripod.com/~Hatch_L/alan3ral.html But it might also be Alangium chinense: http://www.hardybamboo.com/shop/detail.asp?c_urn=205&show=&urn=3207